Egg Yolk Melt Mix
RM 25.00
100% 蛋黄液加羊奶粉,入口即化,奶香美味
羊奶成分: 含有羊奶,羊奶通常富含营养,易于消化,并对某些对牛奶敏感的狗狗更为友好。
蛋黄添加: 加入蛋黄,蛋黄富含优质蛋白质、脂肪和营养物质,有助于提供全面的营养支持。
溶豆形式: 以溶豆的形式呈现,可能更容易咀嚼和吸收,适合各种年龄段的狗狗。
可能的功能: 可能被设计为一种营养补充品,有助于提供狗狗所需的维生素、矿物质和其他营养物质。
美味性: 可能设计成美味可口,激发狗狗的食欲,使其更愿意接受这种零食。
Our home made treats contains of no preservative at all,
once open up please use the zip provided on the plastic to close it up,
consume it within a month to keep it freshness.
Not open can be kept up to 6-9months,
keep it at sheltered area without direct sun contact,
treats that contains more oil can be kept in the fridge.
All order will normally takes 5-10 working days,
it all depends on the order waiting list.
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