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Ducky Neck

RM 20.00
Ducky Neck Ratings: 0 - 0 votes


- 磨牙洁齿
- 补充钙质
- 祛除牙垢
- 消耗体力


- 初次喂食请在视线监控下少量喂食,在毛孩消化正常的情况下,可以循序渐进地增加分量,以免给肠胃增加负担,引发消化不良等症状。(吃零食是为了开心哦~)
- 4月龄以下毛孩年级较小肠胃功能差,需悉心养护。建议毛孩长大了再购买。
- 请家长切勿过量或空腹喂食。


重量:5 PCS

Our home made treats contains of no preservative at all,
once open up please use the zip provided on the plastic to close it up,
consume it within a month to keep it freshness.
Not open can be kept up to 6-9months,
keep it at sheltered area without direct sun contact,
treats that contains more oil can be kept in the fridge.

All order will normally takes 5-10 working days,
it all depends on the order waiting list.

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